The Paks Social Council held its second session - Paks 2 EN
The Paks Social Council held its second session
On a news conference following the closed meeting János Süli, mayor of Paks and co-president of the Paks Social Council and dr. Attila Aszódi, government commissioner for the maintenance of the performance of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant told the media the results of the meeting.
The government commissioner and the mayor told that the Paks Social Council is an important and useful forum opportunity between the region affected by the Paks II. investment and the goverment. During these sessions the leaders of the settlements will get firsthand information regarding every event, news, possibility and task about the project and regional development. The mayors can voice their questions and remarks during the sessions as a two-way flow of information.
It was said on the news conference that regional development and support system were highlighted issues. János Süli said – as confirmed by János Lázár, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office during the session – that the support of the councils will continue.
The meeting’s other essential topic was the new Danube bridge connecting the Paks and Kalocsa side. Dr. Attila Aszódi pointed out that the bridge construction is not important because of the construction of the nuclear power plant, but that the settlers living on the Kalocsa side can participate in the investment. He added that 3 possible tracks and 5 bridge types are in consideration. The bridge could be built by 2018 with a tight schedule.
During the second session of the Paks Social Council the mayors received detailed information about the current status of the Paks II. investment, which was also presented to the press by the government commissioner. The project goes ahead as planned. The Russian party works on the plans and Hungarian party is currently doing the Geological Research Program and the international phase of the environmental approval is in progress.