Our interactive information truck will have its festival round-trip in 2015 as well - Paks 2 EN
Our interactive information truck will have its festival round-trip in 2015 as well
The information truck started its cross-country trip in October 2009 to demonstrate the nuclear power plant’s operation and the maintenance of the performance. Since 2011 the truck visited not only numerous settlements across the country but the bigger festivals in Hungary as well.
The aim of this mobile exhibition is to show the information of the nuclear power plant’s past, present and future for those who live far from the Information and Visitors Centre. The visitors can gain knowledge of the location of the world’s nuclear power plants, production data, the national electric power system and the role of the nuclear energy by using interactive boards. They can also discover the operation of the nucler power plant, the Paks II. investment and its details and the current and planned units’ environmental, economic and social effects and the technical parameters as well. The exhibition features a multimedia display about the wildlife in the nuclear power plant’s surroundings and Rosatom’s constructions (similar to the Paks II. project). A short film can be viewed as well, which shows some information about the AES-2006 reactor.
Our Interactive Information Lorry is awaiting the visitors this year at the following locations:
• Orfű during the Fishing on Orfű (17-20 June)
• VOLT (Sopron; 1-4 July)
• Balaton Sound (Zamárdi; 8-12 July)
• EFOTT (Velence, 14-18 July)
• Valley of Arts Festival (Kapolcs, 24 July – 2 August)
• Debrecen Flower Festival (18-20 August)
• Youth Days of Szeged (24-29 August)
• VIDOR Festival (Nyíregyháza; 31 August – 5 September)
Visitors can use any of the following equipment in the lorry:
• interactive boards
• energy generating bicycle
• test machines
• film screening
Beside the above mentioned, we also await the interested with prize games and an experience tent called „ENERGY ISLAND”.
Our games:
• „Charge yourself by us”: those who successfully answer 3 questions (from the interactive boards’ information), can charge their mobile phone for 30 minutes.
• „5 minutes of energy”: those who receive the „5 minutes of energy” label on the „wheel of fortune” can use any of the following for 5 minutes: hair straightener, hairdryer, razor, iron.
• „Pay attention!”: scratch game; the visitors can get a scratch ticket (our hostesses give a coupon about this game somewhere in the festival area), if you win, you can choose one of the following: armband, sunglasses or a baseball cap.
• „Find your match!”: our hostesses give a sticker for the visitors and every sticker has a match. Those who find their match and come back to the lorry together will get a gift.
• „Have a photo with our lorry!”: the „player” has to like the MVM Paks II. Facebook-page, takes or has someone take a photo of him/herself with the lorry and sends it as a personal message to our FB-page along with the „Energy Inside Us” text. Every day we await the pictures until 16 o’clock, then we choose the winner and inform him/her via a FB-message and post the winning picture on our page. The winner can get the gift package until the festival’s end on the lorry.
The following items can be used free in our experience tent: solar-powered benches, small fridges protected by sunshade, mobile chargers, hairdryers, hairstraighteners, microwave owen, kettle, beanbags and hammocks.