Designing of the nuclear power plant units will be done according to strict regulations

9/29/15 9:56 AM
Designing of the new Paks nuclear power plant units will be done according to strict EU, Hungarian and international regulations, that’s why the units will be constructed with several independent security systems – highlighted dr. Attila Aszódi government commissioner in his interview published in the Austrian newspaper Die Presse on Tuesday.

The government commissioner for the maintenance of the performance of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant told it is not true that impacts which are very unlikely, but having severe consequences were not checked. In the environmental impact study the researches about Danube’s warm-up show that the river’s ecological balance is not in danger.

The journalist raised the issue that the Austrian Ministry of Environment thinks it is worrisome that a nuclear power plant made with Russian technology might be built next to Austria, but the government commissioner said such statements are made for the internal Austrian affairs and it has nothing to do with the Paks expansion. He also said during discussion with Austrian government representatives there were no such arguments. The statements are unfounded which say that in the environmental impact study it was not taken into account that radioactive materials can get into the environment and in Austria. There are detailed analyses in the material about this topic.

Answering the journalist’s question of why Hungary differs from the EU aim to reduce the energy dependence on Russia, Attila Aszódi said: German and Austrian companies work with Russia, recently a decision was made to double the capacity of the Nord Stream, and Rosatom is constructing a new nuclear power plant in Finland with a 34% ownership interest. He also said Russia is an important partner in energy technology and energy source not only today, but in the future as well, and not only for Hungary.

Attila Aszódi talked about the difference in aptness between Hungary and Austria, among others we do not have a large amount of hydropower. That’s why Hungary needs nuclear energy to generate electricity cheaply and in a reliable manner. He also underlined Hungary still needs to import electricity in a large amount.

The government commissoner told Paks II. will operate according to market principles, there’s no government support. The European Commission did not raise an objection regarding the Hungarian-Russian intergovernmental agreement, which means Russia will construct the new nuclear power plant with subcontractors. The suppliers will be chosen according to EU regulations with due process, several companies await those with a great interest, for example Alstom, Siemens and Rolls-Royce – said the government commissioner.