After Balaton Sound comes EFOTT

7/13/15 6:00 AM
The interactive information truck continues its roundtrip after Balaton Sound at EFOTT from 14 July.

The mobile exhibition introducing the nuclear energy and the Paks II. investment awaited the interested in Zamárdi from 8 to 12 July 2015. The next stop is Velence, EFOTT.

There will be another opportunity on the lorry to expand one’s knowledge and our expert colleagues will answer every question. Anyone can test his/her knowledge on our quiz machines and the best receive a gift.

The main role of our Energy Island located next to the lorry will be the relaxation and having a good time. You can rest on the hammocks, while the mobile phones are charging, and the festivalgoers can choose from several other services (like using a hair dryer) and prize games.

The interactive information lorry can be visited at EFOTT from 10 to 18 o’clock between 14 and 18 July 2015.